Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mom's Visit & Kyla's First Play Date

So this week my mom came in to visit to spend some time with Kyla. We had a really nice time; we just hung around the house and Kyla enjoyed all the snuggle time she got with her Granna.

On Thursday we went over to Mark & Jessica's house and Kyla had her first play date! It was really cute, she just played on the activity mat and watched all the other kids move around, then she had enough and just wanted to be held. Jessica then showed me how to use the sleepy wrap and Kyla LOVED it, she fell asleep almost immediately and I was so relieved to know how to use it!

Granna & Kyla (4 weeks old)

Kyla & Mommy ready for a playdate

Kyla snoozing in the Sleepy Wrap

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Clogged Tear Duct

Kyla sure gave us a scare last night, before heading to bed I went into her room to give her a midnight feeding. I never turn on the lights I just use the bathroom light, but somehow I could tell something was different, she was trying so hard to open both eyes but one of them wouldn't open. So Tim turned on her lamp and to our surprise her eye was sealed shut with eye boogers! It was so scary; we called the hospital nursery and they said it could be pink eye or a clogged tear duct and to just use warm wet washcloths and take her to the Dr. the next day. We made an appointment and went to the doctor, sure enough it was a clogged tear duct and we had to put this ointment on her eye until everything cleared up. The only thing about getting to go to the doctor unexpectedly is we got to find out how much she weighs! This trip she weighed 9 lbs 7 oz!

I also want to say Happy Birthday to my brother Jakob! We love you so much and are so proud of you! We sure will miss you when you go away to boot camp!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wonderful Weekend

This weekend was such a great time with family and friends. To start it off, my best friend, Casey, came to town to meet Kyla! As soon as she got into town we went over to Mark & Jessica's house and all hung out and played games. Kyla loves sleeping over at the Boriskin's house, so of course she caught up on her zzzz's while we played 1500.

The next day we went to the mall for a bit and then went home and got ready to head to Waco for my brother's going away/graduation/birthday party. The party was at my parent's house and it was so wonderful getting to see everyone again and for Kyla to meet some very special people! Of course, she slept through most of the party (this is a trend, she loves sleeping when there is a lot going on) but managed to wake up and look at a few people here and there!

We drove back late that night and then on Sunday Casey went home and we went to the Salt Lick to meet up with Tim's parents. Mark, Jessica, Connor, Brody, Kris, Justin, and Bowen all came with us as well. Kyla didn't really enjoy Salt Lick very much, at first she slept through most of it, but then when she woke up she wasn't very happy. I think most of it had to do with the heat because the second we walked outside and there was a breeze she was much happier!

Kyla playing on her activity mat (she loves this thing!)

Uncle Jakob holding Ky

Paw Paw feeding Kyla a bottle

Kyla loves Casey

Kyla and Casey in deep conversation

Ky taking a nap before we left for the Salt Lick

Still snoozing at the Salt Lick, I love those socks!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

More Firsts

So today we decided to keep the trend of "firsts" going. Kyla has been sleeping in our room in her Moses basket, but we figured it was time to move her to her room in her crib. We started out with her afternoon nap. She slept so well and did such a great job!

We were also able to give her a bath for the first time! Kyla HATED her sponge baths, so we weren't sure how it would go with an actual bath, but she ended up loving it! She definitely enjoys sitting in the warm water!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day of Firsts

Today was a really fun day! I had an appointment with my doctor, so it was Tim's first day home alone with Kyla. She was sleeping when I left, so I figured she would wake up while I was gone, so I had a bottle ready for her. Well she ended up sleeping the ENTIRE time I was gone! Tim still wanted to feed her, so when she woke up he went ahead and gave her the bottle! It was so sweet, she just looked up at him the entire time!

After Kyla ate, we decided to go out to eat for our first time. We went to Chili's and Kyla was so perfect, she just slept in her carseat and would occasionally open her eyes to see what was going on around her.

Friday, July 9, 2010

2 Week Check Up

Today we had Kyla's two week checkup with Dr. Cardwell. Dr. Cardwell was hoping that Kyla would weigh at least 7 lb 13 oz, but she overachieved and weighed in at 8 lb 2 oz which is in the 50th percentile! She was 22 inches long which is in the 95th percentile and her head circumference was 37 cm which is in the 75th percentile! Dr. Cardwell was very impressed with how alert Kyla was. She was so well behaved again at the doctor's office, this time she was awake the whole time and she just looked around and took it all in. The only time she cried was when they had to prick her foot to draw blood, she wasn't the only one crying in the office that day, I was right there with her. Hearing that sweet little squeal and knowing that it hurt her for a split second just broke my heart. Once that was done we put her in the carseat and she stopped crying and then we were on our way home to chill out for the day!

Waiting on the Dr. to come in the room

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Andrea's Visit

This week Andrea (one of my roommates from college) came and stayed with us for the week. It was so nice to have her in town! We never get to hang out that much so I really enjoyed getting the chance to catch up and spend time with her and have her help with Kyla! We mostly stayed around the house, but one night we actually got out and went to Target. This was Kyla's first trip to a public place other than the Doctor's office! We also tried to figure out the Moby wrap, Kyla didn't like it very much and screamed the second we put her in it, so instead we went for a walk with her in the stroller :) Thank you so much Andrea for coming and staying with us! We love you very much!

Kyla all dressed up for Target

Andrea worked on getting Kyla to take the pacifier

All ready to go on a walk outside

Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July

For the 4th of July we normally go to the lake house and visit Tim's parent's, but since we were just getting used to some sort of routine with Kyla, we stayed in Austin and went over to Mark & Jessica's for the day. This was our first time getting out of the house for a long period of time, at first I was very nervous, but Kyla did great and even surprised us by sleeping a ton! We had amazing hamburgers and just hung out for the day and most of the evening, it was so much fun!

Kyla sleeping on her daddy

Snoozing again

Kyla and Connor 3 months apart

Saturday, July 3, 2010

All by Ourselves

Granddaddy came and picked up my Grandmommy this morning to take her home. I have to say I was a little nervous about being alone with Kyla without the extra set of hands, but we actually did really well and it was pretty encouraging to see that we could do this! Tim really helped out a lot and it was so much fun watching him and Kyla interact with each other. She sure loves her daddy and so do I!

Tim's parents, Chip and Vicki, came over for lunch and brought us king ranch casserole. We were having some trouble getting Kyla to burp, so Vicki taught me the hold that worked best for Jimmy (Tim's brother) and we finally got her to give us some really good burps! Kyla then went to sleep and they stayed for a few hours while she napped. It was nice getting to hang out with them and talk. We love you Mee Mee & Pee Paw!

This hold is awkward, but it really worked out those burps!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandmommy!

Today was Grandmommy's birthday! Grandmommy, you are such an amazing lady. Tim and I really appreciated having you here at the house for the first week. We really don't know what we would have managed without you. We love and respect you so much! Kyla already misses you and we can't wait to see you again!

For Grandmommy's birthday we just hung out at the house and tried to get the hang of the routine that works best for us and Kyla. That evening our friends Mike and Alicia came over and brought barbeque for dinner. Thank you Mike and Alicia for coming over, we can't wait for Kyla and Peyton to grow up together!

Kyla loved having tummy time on Grandmommy